First Jiangsu outbound tourist group to Europe departed
The first batch of Jiangsu"s outbound tourists to Europe in three years departed Nanjing Lukou International Airport this Friday, onboard Neos Air"s non-stop flight NO947, heading to Milan, Italy, with the concerted effort of Neos Air and UTour Group.
The Nanjing-Milan flight of Neos Air is currently the only non-stop flight to Europe from Jiangsu Province. Neos" flight NO976 was the first inbound flight to land at Nanjing Lukou International Airport after China resumed outbound tours following the country"s optimization of epidemic control measures in January.
Europe is an important global tourist destination, whose abundant world heritages and unique food culture are favored by Chinese tourists. The resumption of outbound group Tours from Jiangsu to Europe has attracted wide attention. Neos Air, actively catering to the current demand of the tourism market, is going to implement two regular flights a week from May 9 to set up a stable "China-Europe Express line" for Jiangsu.
"I"m proud to pilot this ‘first flight’. I would like to say thank you to all the people involved in this amazing deal. I’ve flown in Nanjing for at least six years. Nowadays, all the flights are growing and I"m very happy to see a lot of flights incoming and outcoming," said Davide Rollini, the captain of flight NO947.
In view of the characteristics of group tourists, Nanjing Lukou International Airport set up team counters in advance, deployed staff to maintain order and guide the crowd, prompted passengers to prepare the corresponding documents in advance and orderly handle check-in procedures. Since May, Nanjing Lukou International Airport has seen an average of 30 International and Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan flights every day, with a throughput of about 4,000 passengers.
- First Jiangsu outbound tourist group to Europe departed
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